Dues for MSC CAMAC

$45 for year; $35 per semester

Dues include the following:
o MSC CAMAC T-shirt
o Fall/Spring Retreat
o Fall/Spring Banquet
o Snacks/Food for work days
o Partial Cost for Socials (members will be asked occasionally to bring food for potlucks or minimal fees associated with mini golf or bowling $3-5 per person). These socials are to strengthen relationships within MSC CAMAC but are not required.

If you plan being in MSC CAMAC for the full year then you will pay the $45. If you are a senior graduating the current semester, joining in the middle of the year, or are studying abroad for a semester, then you would pay the semester dues of $35.

Dues are to be paid in full either online at MSC CAMAC DUES or in person at the Rudder Box Office before 5:00pm located in Rudder Tower.

If you are unable to pay the dues in full by this date please contact the Finance Director and we will work with you.